
8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

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8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

Hey there how's it going? So you've overheard someone saying how they started some crappy affiliate site and started to make $100+ a day selling something as an affiliate for someone, and you're thinking, if they can do it, I can too right?

Or perhaps you keep hearing about how people are making money with Affiliate Marketing today, in this tech driven world where bloggers and vloggers are promoting all sorts of things online all over the place. And you're aware that it's something you could have a go at and see where it gets you. Right?

I know this applies to some people because I'll confess it's sort of how I first got started in affiliate marketing myself a few dog years ago. And I know because I've been around the block a few times and have come across all types of people in all age groups at all levels as an Affiliate let alone a Marketer!

Trust me on this, OMG, if you don't even know. You know, there's been like 5-10 year old kids that have picked up Affiliate Marketing and gone on to make more figures than there age group combined lol. It's true. Have you ever Googled "young affiliate marketers"? Or "youngest entrepreneurs"? There are more today than there ever used to be!

Why is that? That's because in today's generation there is a LOT more opportunity out there for young people today. Thanks to the technological movement and the Internet mostly, primarily, basically. And kids today are much more knowledgeable today than they ever were before as well.

Again, why is that do you think? Well, mostly it's because of the Internet. This is known as the "Instant Information Generation" where anyone can find out anything on anythign through the Internet. Back in the 80's and 90's we never really had that as kids. We'd use Encyclopedia Brittanica.

Yeah, I know what you're thinking, they may as well have been made from stone too! 8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies
But there are many very young kids and even really old people, all sorts of people from all walks of life, the educated and the uneducated alike that got into affiliate marketing in some way and then, gone on to be a massive success. All through just being an affiliate marketer / blogger. And all just starting with something like a website and then driving traffic it to some how, some way. And then since there are so many things you can do when it comes to advertising, promoting and marketing your site online today. One only really has to follow about 8 simple steps to become a successful affiliate marketer today.

1. Choose Your Niche!
It all starts with a choice. An interest or passion in something. To find something you like and have an interest in that you can become an affiliate marketer or blogger on. And by choosing something you do have an interest or passion in, you will be more likely to succeed in that thing. It's best to be an affiliate for high priced items to make the most money quickly but don't just choose something you're not really interested in even if it does have a high affiliate commission.

2. Create Your Website
Having a website is one of the best ways for you to make money with affiliate marketing since you can list affiliate products on the site in a store or in your blog posts and then make money when people buy those products or services or click on any ads you have on your site. Most people go with WordPress which to be fair is a great choice as it's very user-friendly and SEO-friendly too (something else you'll learn about later on).

3. Add Your Content
Your content is what makes or breaks your site. You will want to add lots of regular fresh and unique and high quality content to your site and use it to target the keywords you want to rank high for. That's another reason why it's good to use WordPress with your site since it makes it so easy to add new content, pages, posts, products and other media elements like videos, photos, PDF files etc etc.

4. Find Your Affiliate
You will want to add affiliate products, services and offers to your site from some top affiliate service that you've joined to your website and within the content you have and or put upon it. The good thing for newbie affiliates today is that there are affiliates out there to help you monetise all types of content quite easily and in many different ways.

Some of those would include:

  • Amazon
  • Ebay
  • ClickBank
  • Commission Junction
  • Share A Sale
  • Linkshare
  • Google Ads

5. Add Your Ads/Links
To earn money as an affiliate for something with your site, you need to place that affiliates links and ads on your site. You would place these within your content and different areas of your site like the header, sidebar or footer etc. The trick to this is making them blend in and look natural to your site. Provided they match the type of site yours is then they should. Example: a site about Fidget Spinners would have ads about Fidget Spinners and other similar office toys get it?

6. Drive Traffic
It's all good getting this far and having a site with lots of great content, but if nobody is viewing and reading it then it's not really going to make a penny for you. So obviously you will have to market, promote and drive traffic to your site, obviously.. You'll probably also need to do SEO on it too. But in time you can build up traffic to it using various traffic driving methods and increase its rankings in the SERPs and get some natural organic traffic too. The more SEO (on/offpage), promotion, marketing and advertising you do, the more traffic you'll get and the more money you'll earn. Obviously. 8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

7. Get Paid!
Of course, provided your site visitors are buying the products or services your site has on it as an affiliate for someone, or even clicks on one of your ads without doing anything else, then you'll get paid for that. Every Affiliate has their own terms and conditions and you have to know and abide by each. But as long as you do and your site is doing well there is no reason why you couldn't be making some significant money within a years time with it. Maybe even sooner! Some people know how to get traffic to a landing page and makes sales right away..

8. Rinse and Repeat!
Now you know what it takes to get an affiliate site up and how to make money with it. You can just repeat that over and over and over again as many times as you want or can with other affiliate sites in other niches. Or even the same niche! That's the beauty of being an affiliate. You can be as creative as you want to be! And there's no limit to how many times you can do it too! Sure, some sites might not do that well. But introduce me to a affiliate marketer that only ever has one website. You can't! 8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

And that is as I said, a quick and dirty 8 steps to affiliate marketing. Not really that dirty as it is quick though as there's nothing that needs to be dirty about being an affiliate marketer. Sure, some affiliates are dirty in how they do affiliate marketing. But say what you want to say about that, it often brings home the bacon for them if you know what I mean!?

OMG Mike is that it is it that simple?

Yeah, pretty much that's all there is to it but there is a lot more too it lol. A lot of stuff you can learn. About SEO and Internet Marketing. It's like, do you work for the Empire or are you part of the Rebel Alliance? Do you work for and do the dark side stuff. Or do you live by and in the white hat good light side? Fortunately, thanks to the SEOClerks Marketplace, you can get all the white hat SEO and Internet Marketing you could ever need to help you to succeed. 8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

Literally you can get everything you need here to make your affiliate site a success. 8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies

So you know, there's no reason not to..

8 Quick and Dirty Steps to Affiliate Marketing Success for Newbies


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Dear dealmike,

Thank you Very Much For Your Advice.

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Thanks a lot for your good tips! I just started to work on affiliate marketing, and this list is really good for me to follow. I like to share the products I am actually using, so I will have more to write and share my experience with others. At the moment, I am working on Ultimate Bundles.

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I am a newbie trying to learn affiliate marketing because it is very encouraging to read testimonies on the earnings. Maybe I can also be earning good money when I would focus on affiliate marketing instead of my present main line which is paid forum posting which is not really attractive in terms of earnings. But I guess I need to have my own website to be a more effective seller in affiliate marketing because a website gives a good impression for the business.

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I have chosen my niche, I have created my website, I have added content. I have joined Amazon, LInkshare, Commission JUnction. I have added links. I have marketed and promoted my contents. Am I getting paid? Nopes. It is easy to say but difficult to do. You can drive traffic, but the main problem is with conversion. Converting traffic to sales is very difficult.

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Please talk more about Clickbank.
  • Have you tried sharing via social media?
  • What's the easiest way to promote products found in the marketplace?

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They say clickbank is the best affiliate network. However, the program is not available in my location and I have never used it. I tried to use clickbank for my client and he says clickbank is not working for him. Whether the affiliate program works for you are not depends on number of factors such as traffic, relevant products, marketing etc.
I have never shared affiliate products via social media. usually, I share the webpages with affiliate ads on social media.
I go to the affiliate marketplace, find the product relevant to my niche and post HTML code on my website.

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Pure Awesome Mike very interesting read and I will try some of these on my other websites I own. I like the amazon and ebay idea also adsense on my websites. Yeah there is a lot of young marketers these days as now day's every kid you see as a mobile with apps or a tablet in there hands lol.

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It's really informative to learn the ways someone going into affiliate market can get to build up it as a successful business. This will help those that are still thinking how to make it with affiliate marketing

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One of the best ways to do affiliate marketing is through reviewing products and adding reviewed products on your review. Someone looking for the product might check the review and if he is satisfied with the review, he might buy the product. Having product showcased on your website will not drive sales.

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I agree like with everything in life there is a learning curve. @ Vinaya it may be an idea to get a mentor in the form of a coach or a programme. This may save you countless hours trying to figure everything out. If you keep going eventually you will get your sale, however you may have to try different sources of traffic or different products. A mentor will guide you and tell you what products will sell and which ones won't. Your problem may be your niche/product.

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I agree that the more traffic you get, the more money you earn because people means money. And if you don’t have a budget since you are just on a start up then I guess social media is the proper venue for promoting your business interest. Check out your close friends in social media, ask their help in spreading your backlinks in the promotional posts that you made. If you are lucky to have responsive friends then you are on your way to good business.

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