
Is level will help to get more works?

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Is level will help to get more works?

Why need grow the level?is it will increase the works getting possibilities?i need to know why should to get more levels?If i am on level 2 i won`t get more works...Buyers won`t believe me?just need to get the experienced answers only plz.


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Hi ziku,

Levels will effect sales but it's not a major player. There are so many different factors when it comes to getting sales on SEOClerks and Levels just one of those.


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You start at level 1. Now you are level 2 so you are doing a good job and buyers can trust you more. Ask your buyers to leave a positive review after the order is completed this will give you a better image.

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Hi Ziku! I think it really matter sometimes ( your level ). I had an experience when I was level 1 and I just started to sell my services, I had bid one of WTB , after bidding buyer asked me, "how can I trust you and why should I choose you, you are level 1 without too many experience"?!
So as a buyer also, I can say that when I am choosing service to buy, I always choose a seller by checking up: 1- who had some experience and 2 - recommendations ! 
Great Regards,

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