
Manually create a link wheel of 12 web 2.0 sites with three pages of content for $57

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Manually create a link wheel of 12 web 2.0 sites with three pages of content

I will manually create 12 web 2.0 properties with 3 pages of content. This link wheel is the highly recommended method for getting excellent, quality traffic to your web site.

For one page, I will write unique high-quality content, hand spin the article with "The Best Spinner" to higher percentage of uniqueness and post it in top web 2.0's. The article will be based on the keyword and 12 different titles will be used. This page will have link to your website.

For second and third page, filler/curated content (related to your keyword) will be posted. On top of that, some authority links will be added into the articles to make things look natural. With these filler contents, the web 2.0s created won't point just to your website, so Google will highly value your links and this is the best way of getting permanent link juice to your website. Furthermore, these web 2.0's are the safest links to build your Tier 2 network.

1) Relevant page header and title will be added.
2) Relevant image and videos added.
3) I will create the URL name relevant to the keyword.
4) Manually change the themes for every web 2.0.
5) Everything will be done manually - No software or bots which means your site will never ever get penalized for this link juice.
6) Detailed report with username and login information
7) Hummingbird, Penguin & Panda Safe!

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Seo Linkbuilding Web2 0 Linkwheel Backlinks Backlinking


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Manually create a link wheel of 12 web 2.0 sites with three pages of content for $57 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 2 user reviews.