
write a KILLER press release for $14

83.9% (62)
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write a KILLER press release

Your Press Release reaches a community of Journalists, Bloggers, Web publishers etc
If they think your news is interesting and relevant (Which I will ENSURE), they will share your story with their own audiences.
This will lead to more traffic to your own website, and an increase in original, relevant links to your site, increasing your site’s search ranking, more traffic and more sales and profits.

How This Works
I will check out your site, product or event (or any online property) you supplied to get across to millions of daily readers.

I will then Write a Catchy, Acceptable and News Worthy Press Release;

You will receive an advanced draft copy, so you can see your release and you can notify me about the changes required.

Why Would I Order this?
* Your Press Release will appear on Page #1 of Google News if you order the distribution process (Check my gig extras for help with distribution)
*Traffic from Google News and other HIGH PR sites. . . This is a gold mine
*Guaranteed Submissions - a detailed report that contains exactly where your links have been submitted and published.

To make your business flourish you need the right kind of noise and I will deliver it only for $12.


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submit your press release to 50 TOP PR sites, you can now add One Image &... 5 days $40
submit your PR to GOOGLE News, SBWire, Pr Buzz , Press Doc, MyPRGenie plus 20... 4 days $40
Submit Your Press Release to ★500 News Sites and News Blogs ★ 500 Plus Backli... 10 days $80
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write a KILLER press release for $14 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 5 user reviews.