
Write lyrics for your song for $5

100% (9)
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Write lyrics for your song

I will gladly write a song for you, in any genre. I will provide you stand-alone lyrics or you can give me the music so I write lyrics to it.
I can come up with my own themes for a song, but if you want me to work on a particular idea you come up with, you have to let me know and be as specific as possible.

This service is for you if you:

  • Are more of a music writer and have a hard time coming up with words that compliment your tunes.
  • Already have words but they don't necessarily fit in to your song.
  • Are in writing sessions and have nothing to bring to the table.
  • Would like to have writing or co-writing credit in a music project.
  • Are focused in writing music and producing you have no time to write lyrics.

This is a ghostwriting service, meaning, you will retain 100% copyrights and use the finished product whenever/wherever you'd like.


Lyrics Lyricist Song Music Ghostwriting Ep Album Single


3 reviews

Rating breakdown

  • 3
  • 0

Write a 12-track concept album worth of lyrics only 2 days $50
Write a 16-track concept album worth of lyrics only 2 days $70
Write a 20-track concept album worth of lyrics only 2 days $90
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Write lyrics for your song for $5 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 3 user reviews.