
Trend Hunter service for bloggers, journalists and more for $10

96.3% (588)

Trend Hunter service for bloggers, journalists and more

After 5 years in various internet marketing businesses I see that more and more people are trying to make it online but very few succeed. The main reason is that they do not focus on current trends or post outdating information that do not bring new people. This service is meant for bloggers, journalists, freelancers and everyone whether it is beginner or veteran in their respective field, that aims to increase traffic to their website and ultimatively make conversions.

So what I do & what you get?

Through most unique techniques that experience thought me, I research new trends for you from you branch and tell you on what to focus when creating content. For basic service you will get 1 idea for your request.

How do I work?

Upon purchase a window will pop up where you are required to leave me link to your website or blog or any other page, and than you tell me what is it about and after research I will tell you results of my research based on current trends upon which to create content and increase interest for your work. That will bring you new visitors, followers and eventually revenue as you know more visitors click more on ads, and more visitors you have you can sell space or advertising on your site or blog better and better.

What about gig extras?
Blue- entry levels that I recommend if you are wondering what to combine
Dark Red- Professionals and those who expect a lot should consider these
Gig extra 1- Create Atmosphere (entry level best deal & combo)
*I will give you tips and tricks how to drive people and make your posts viral
Gig extra 2- Tweet Pro
*I will post for 5 days for your content on my partner profile/s with about 30k followers
Gig extra 3- Tweet Master (best value deal & master combo)
*I will post for 5 days for your content on my partner profile/s with about 140k followers
Gig extra 4- Ambition (best value deal & master combo)
*I will research top 5 trending keywords for your project that you should incorporate while creating content. I will need some more info about what you are about to write or do so upon ordering please explain. Targeted audience.
Gig extra 5- Attraction (entry level best deal & combo)
*I will provide you with information on how to drive real people to your page on your own. One time investment.
Gig extra 6- Instant Interest (entry level best deal & combo)
*Provide you with post on ig profile. This most organic social network has huge potential in driving traffic to your project. For this one simply attach me picture that you think will best describe what you do or what you think will be most interesting to visitors.
Gig extra 7- VisBooster (google traffic best deal & combo)
​*Visitor booster provides seo optimised traffic of at least 1000 daily visitors that aims to increase relevance of your website or page on all major search engines meaning that you will be more easily ranked on first page of google or any other.
Gig extra 8- Snap Pro
*Send snapchat with link to your post to over 12K followers
Gig Extra 9- Snap Master (best Master combo)
​*Send snapchat with link to your post to over 100K followers.
Gig extra 10- Linked IN (best Master combo)
*​​I built my contact list one by one over the past several years.It is now past 29k and still growing. According to LI, I have over 34,000,000 - yes 34 MILLION professionals in my network.
Gig extra 11- Social Signals Pro (best entry level combo)
*Get 500 social signals for your post. Link to your post is needed.
Gig extra 12- Social Signals Master (best master combo)
*Get 1200 social signals for your post. Link to your post is needed.

Over 350 positive reviews of people I already helped in some way on my services here are my best advertisement. Do not hesitate to ask me if something is not clear to you. Also do not forget to check my other services:


Research Keywords Seo Socialnetwork Exposure Blogger Journalist Freelancers Snapchat


1 reviews

Rating breakdown

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Create Atmosphere- get PDF with tips and tricks 1 days $5
Tweet Pro- exposure to about 30k followers 0 days $5
Tweet Master- exposure to obout 140k followers 0 days $15
Ambition- research top 3 trending keywords for your project 1 days $15
Attraction- information on how to drive real people to your page 0 days $99
Instant Interest- instagram profile post with link in pic description 0 days $7
VisBooster- google traffic of 1000 daily visitors 0 days $35
SnapPro- snapchat wih your link to over 12k followers 1 days $35
SnapMaster- snapchat wih your link to over 140k followers 2 days $55
Linked IN- master pack exposure to over 29K members with over 34M possible reach 2 days $20
Social Signals Pro- get 500 social signals for your link 1 days $8
Social signals Master- get 1200 social signals for your link 1 days $15
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Trend Hunter service for bloggers, journalists and more for $10 is ranked 5 out of 5. Based on 1 user reviews.